The Healing Power
of Hoshen Stones

The earth's treasures – crystals, Hoshen stones and gemstones

About Doctor Gavrielov's

Doctor Gavrielov’s comprehensive experience has resulted in her standing as a senior and sought after lecturer, and as a guest lecturer at leading universities in Europe and the US.

Spiritual and physical powers were attributed to certain categories of stones and to specific gems themselves: "there is not one gem which doesn't draw power from above"
(Rabbenu Behya)

Stone Diagnosis

The wonderful thing about stone diagnosis is that it is very scientific, yet also very faith based. Results are thorough and identify the reasons behind the problem, and not only the bottom line, as is often the case with conventional medicine.
How is the diagnosis conducted?

Success Stories

Read Our Blog

Cleansing, Usage and Application

Cleansing, Usage and Application One of the most common methods for purifying stones before use is to wash them for two minutes under running tap water. In order to intensify the process, you should concentrate and wish, with God’s help, that the power that God has invested in the stones will be of help and benefit. After washing the stone, it is recommended to expose the stone to external sunlight for at least 3 hours,

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The secrets of the crystals

What goes through your mind when you think of healing with crystals? Curious? curious? Not sure? Too mystical? Too far fetched? apathetic? Open your mind and see where the knowledge of healing with crystals can take you… The secret of healing with crystals is known to everyone who is interested in it and to those who want to touch its colorful truth. It is clear as day to those who have studied it properly and

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How to choose the right stone for me.

How to choose the right stone for me. More painkillers that suffocate the pain and leave it and the cause of its formation sealed and clogged inside us Conventional medicine often helps us in the treatment of various types of pain, while few are the ones who understand that the pain weFeeling is nothing more than a symptom whose purpose is to warn against the problem itself By choosing the stones we are able to

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24 Harav Nimrover Street, Givat Shmuel 54019, Israel

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Feel The healing power of
the Hoshen stones.

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